Bitget welcomes you to join us as a trader to enjoy more benefits and perks. You can register for a Bitget account with your email address and phone number with a simple step-by-step guides below:
Bidget Mobile App Version:
Step 1:
Go to the profile icon on top left from [Home] and click [Sign Up].
![How to Register a New Bitget Account - Mobile App Tutorial image 0](
Alternatively, tap on [Get Started] from the same page.
- To register an account with email address, enter your email address and create new password.
- To register an account with mobile number, enter your country code phone number. Next, create new password. Please be informed that the country code from “Service Restricted Countries” will not be listed.
Note: Your password must have:
- 8 to 32 characters
- At least one number/numeric
- At least one uppercase letter
- At least one special character
Optional: Enter your referral code if you are being invited/referred by a friend/KOL.
Step 2:
Read and agree to the [User Agreement] and [Privacy Policy].
Step 3:
Complete the captcha verification.
Step 4:
1) For email registration, enter the verification code sent to your registered email inbox. Next, click [Sign Up] to complete the registration.
2) For mobile registration, enter the verification code or SMS code sent to your mobile number. Next, click [Sign Up] to complete the registration.
And you are done! Please go back to [My Profile] and login your Bitget account.